Formerly know as the Altar Society, the Women's Guild is one of the oldest organizations at Saint Maria Goretti.
This social and service organization hosts a social each month during which a guest speaker addresses various topics of interest to the members.
They also sponsor various fundraisers such as Bake Sales and the Easter Basket Sale that contribute to the purchase of the bread and wine used on the altar.
The Women's Guild is also responsible for cleaning the Altar, the Altar linens and Altar Server garments (albs).
Please note, any email for the Women's Guild should be directed to the President at
Other emails below are for Women's Guild use and as they direct their use.
2022-2023 Women’s Guild Officers and Committee Members
President: Sofia Barnes
1st.Vice President: Jan Sides
2nd Vice President: Fran England
3rd. Vice President: Way and Means Committee:
Michelle Hennessy, Emily Pfaff, Terry Becker, Pat Ruhnke, Lisa Wagner
Recording Secretary: Heather Hamilton
Corresponding Secretary: Linda Casagrande
Treasurer: Mary Rowell
Parliamentarian: Judy Lewis
Committee Members:
Altar Cleaning: Judy Lewis
Altar Candles: Sherry Lewis
Altar Server Garments: Duddie Reid
Altar Linen: Fleet Rine
Historian: vacant
Hospitality: Sherry Lewis
Publicity: Belinda Tompkins
Communications: Dianne Forsberg
Spiritual Development: Lucia Rygh
NCCW Representative: Gena Collier
Yearbook Directory: Sharon Hydak
Nominating Committee: TBA
Signupgenius Coordinator: Emily Peterson