We support an average of 100-150 baskets for approximately 700-1000 family members.
A "Love" truck weekend is sponsored for parishioners to assist in providing requested items or by donating funds or gift cards. The parish reaches out to needy families on Thanksgiving by collecting, preparing, and distributing food baskets. The baskets are distributed to registered needy parishioners and clients of the Social Outreach Padre Pio Food Pantry and Baby's World.
"Love Truck" paper sacks are no longer being used as of 2024. Instead we send a broadcast email and insert the list of needs in the bulletin. Generally this is the first weekend in November and the collection takes place the following weekend. The client receive their basket the weekend before Thanksgiving.
(On occasion the month of November may have 5 weekends and the "Love Truck" will be adjusted accordingly. The collection is always 2 weekends prior to Thanksgiving to allow the clients to receive their boxes the weekend before.)
Thanksgiving Baskets
Please look at the Thanksgiving Basket list below.
Volunteers will be in the back of the school/church to accept donations after all Masses in 2024 on Saturday and Sunday, November 16 and 17, 2022.
Our SMG School used to carry gift cards in their office but that is now handled online. You may purchase from the school and they will give the purchased gift cards to us or you may put in an envelope, mark Social Ministry Thanksgiving Baskets, put your name if requesting a receipt, place in the collection baskets in church, at the drop off with the volunteers the collection weekend, or call the Director to make arrangements to drop off with him.
If you leave with the school to pass to us and wish a receipt, ask them to put your name with the cards. Thank you!
IF BY CHANCE YOU HAVE FOOD OR A GIFT CARD, AND MISS US THIS WEEKEND, PLEASE CALL 817 274-5407 and leave a message with your phone number and name. We will call you back to arrange dropping off your donation.
For more information please see the contact information below: