The Lazarus Project (#LAZARUSPROJECT) is an opportunity for families to place love of neighbor and service to the poor as a visible, living reality in their homes.
Based on the parable that Jesus told his disciples (see Luke 16:19-31), we all have a Lazarus, or someone in need, in our midst.
Families can prayerfully discuss together who they feel called to serve. A few suggestions are provided below.
Then, the family will place an empty jar in a prominent place on their home and write on the jar, “For Lazarus.” This serves as a donation jar throughout the Lent so that parents and children can tithe together during this time. Whatever monies are collected in the jar will be used to serve the “Lazarus” the family discerned to help.
Suggestions include:
The women at the Presbyterian Night Shelter
The money could be used to purchase toiletries, make-up, and other essentials for the women residents at the shelter.
The St. Vincent De Paul Society
The Society by offering assistance to those who have fallen upon times of hardship and personal crisis. We will assist those individuals and families that need basic necessities such as food, utility and rent payments through home visits (
Families choosing to support the 2 organizations below can bring all donations to class on April 5th, our last session of the ministry year.
On April 5th, the youth will discuss the #LAZARUSPROJECT in class.